

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A Blogger? Me?

Howdy! New blogger here on the block and yes, call me a newbie with this stuffs. How should I start...

I am a student from FEU - East Asia College and now in 3rd year. BS Information Technology is my course and I really enjoy it. I want to pursue myself in the field of Networking (not the pyramid stuffs, I am talking about the technical one) and dreaming to be a CCNA. However, it will really be a challenge to me since it is like having a board exam before you achieve that title.

I work as a photographer in our school publication for almost 1 year and got promoted lately as head photographer. Now that I mentioned it, I guess you will think that I own a Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) right? My answer is no. Well, I got promoted in just using a compact camera. Funny thing though, I really didn't expect that I would reach this position. Guess I'll narrate this in my another blog.

Anyway, I am just an only child and always wondering how it feels like to have a sibling. I guess I treat some of my friends like that. Are you one of them?

I call myself as a certified gamer even though I don't like strategy games especially DOTA. Sorry fanboys, I really don't find it addictive. I'd rather listen to music all day than to soak my face into that stuffs.

Speaking of music, I do play a guitar but I don't play for the time being because my guitar's broken. Call it a fail. I always bring my iPod whenever I am on the road. It really gives me confidence, if you know what I mean.

You would also see me NOW as a bookworm. Yes, for those who really know me, I am not really into this stuffs. I guess this "girl" really motivated me to read and almost partly changed my life. I like the works of Mitch albom -- for the drama side -- and Dan Brown -- for some thrilling suspense: Digital Fortress, Angels & Demons, you name it.

For those who wants to see my reviews, visit me at:

Video Game Reviews
Book Reviews

Familiar? That's just a facebook application. Please visit if you have time!

That's all for now, I guess I already share some of my "techno-life." I really like the sound of it -- Techno-Life. Cool.

1 comment:

  1. Since you're into books now, I would gladly recommend The Wheel of Time. :) Try fantasy for a change. It's filled with political intrigue, romance, suspense and the plot thickens at every turn of the pages. ;)

    - Bedlam Writer


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