Hey hey hey! The name's Joe Kevin. You can call me Joe, Ken, Kevin. I am now a 4th year BS Information Technology student at FEU - East Asia College. I am a certified frustrated programmer but still trying to be good one. I really like the network field where I can configure the routers and switches. Yes! I really love it! Buy me a cisco router and I'll be your number #1 fan!
I am part of our school publication called "The Cursor." I am working as one of the publication executive board as the Head Photographer. And still, using my dearest Kodak EasyShare C1013 Digital Camera. I also do write-ups: both feature and news stuffs. But I prefer the feature side because news is way too booooring (For me, of course!).
A certified video game addict but not a fanboy especially DOTA. I also give some game reviews: both pros and cons. Well, that is my opinion, so feel free to post comments!
Music is also my life! Classic Rocks like stone temple pilots, guns n' roses, nirvana, etcetera etcetera
Catch me up as I post my latest updates in my articles in our school (once it is already published) and some posts that might pique your interest in it. Enjoy! :)